[This is] a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that they might reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded.

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Free Distribution of the Holy Qur’an to those that cannot afford it and to those who are interested in Islam.

Quran Distribution


National | International



National 60%
International 40%

The Islamic Comparative Religion Academy (ICRA) has embarked on a most extra-ordinary mission, that to distribute the various translations of the Quran free of charge. South Africa has become a rainbow nation in the true sense of the word – RAINBOW. Since our first democratic elections, our country has seen the influx of many foreigners. This offers us with no better opportunity for Da’wah, to deliver Word of Allah right at our door-step. With the influx of many people coming into our country from as near as our neighbouring countries like Mozambique and Zimbabwe to as far as Pakistan, India and China, and the request for Qurans in the various languages are increasing on a daily basis. With request for Quran in the many languages (Afrikaans, Chinese, English, French, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish, Sotho and Zulu) we have embarked on becoming the Quran Power House in Southern Africa for distributing the various translations of the Holy Quran. We purchase the various translations of the Holy Qurans and distribute them FREE of charge to those that request them.